Racial Justice is one of ACLU of Colorado's strategic imperatives. Before committing to any campaign or project, ACLU of Colorado will ask how the work will further this strategic imperative.
Deep-seated systemic racism and inequities that disadvantaged communities of color are still woven into the fabric of our institutions today — from education and housing to our criminal legal system. Systemic racism permeates the starkly segregated world of housing. In our public schools, students of color are too often confined to racially isolated, underfunded, and inferior programs. Our criminal legal system disproportionately targets and subjects people of color to police brutality, incarcerates and imposes numerous collateral consequences, and criminalizes poverty. The dream of equal justice remains an elusive one.
ACLU of Colorado works to preserve and extend constitutionally guaranteed rights to people who have historically been denied them on the basis of race.
The ACLU of Colorado seeks to educate and organize Coloradans on the racial injustices that stand in the way of a fair and equal society, that result in mass incarceration and over-criminalization of communities of color by:
- Centering the voices of impacted communities
- Building trust in the ACLU of Colorado with youth and in impacted communities to create leaders
- Continuing to build our base of supporters and members
- Activating current members and supporters to identify with and champion our policy and legal priorities
We are committed to upholding racial equity and combating racism in all forms through litigation, community organizing and training, legislative initiatives, and public education to address the broad spectrum of issues that disproportionately and negatively impact people of color.